Bird tree and birds
Stork: 4500 Ft
Seagull: 4200 Ft
Long-eared owl: 4000 Ft
Little owl: 4000 Ft
Snowy owl: 4000 Ft
Common Kestrel
: 4200 Ft
Great Spotted Woodpecker
: 4200 Ft
European Bee-eater: 4400 Ft
: 3800 Ft
Kingfisher: 3800 Ft
Blue tit: 3800 Ft
Great tit: 3800 Ft
European Roller
: 3800 Ft
Eurasian Nuthatch
: 3700 Ft
: 3800 Ft
Eurasian Jay
: 3700 Ft
Robin: 3700 Ft
Long-tailed Bushtit: 3600 Ft
House Sparrow
: 3600 Ft
European Goldfinc: 3700 Ft
European Green Woodpecker : 3700 Ft
Eurasian Collared Dove
: 3800 Ft
Magpie 3700 Ft
Winter wren: 3300 Ft
Common blackbird: 3300 Ft
Eurasian Golden Oriole
: 3400 Ft
Rook: 3300 Ft
Pheasant rooster 4500 Ft
Pheasant hen: 4200 Ft
Pheasant chick: 2800 Ft
Hanging birdhouse: 2800 Ft
Bird tree without foliage, with small base: 14500 Ft
Bird tree with green foliage and small base: 17000 Ft
Bird tree with autumn foliage and small base: 18000 Ft
Bird tree with green foliage and a birdhouse, small base: 19800 Ft
Bird tree with autumn foliage and a birdhouse, small base: 20800 Ft
Bird tree with two sided (green/autumn) foliage and a birdhouse, small base: 22800 Ft
Stork: 5x6x1,5 cm
Seagull: 3,5x3x1,5 cm
Long-eared owl: 3x5x1,5 cm
Little owl: 2,5x4x1,5 cm
Snowy owl: 2,5x4x1,5 cm
Common Kestrel
: 4x2,5x1,5 cm
Great Spotted Woodpecker
: 3,5x2,8x1,5 cm
European Bee-eater: 3,5x2,8x1,5 cm
: 3,5x2,8x1,5 cm
Kingfisher: 3x2,5x1,5 cm
Blue tit: 3,5x2,8x1,5 cm
Great tit: 3,3x2,8x 1,5 cm
European Roller
: 4x2,5x1,5 cm
Eurasian Nuthatch
: 4x 2,5x1,5 cm
: 3,5x2,8x1,5 cm
Eurasian Jay
: 3,5x2,8x1,5 cm
Robin: 3,5x2,8x1,5 cm
Long-tailed Bushtit: 3,5x2x1,5 cm
House Sparrow
: 2x2x1,3 cm
European Goldfinc:
3,5x2,8x1,5 cm
European Green Woodpecker : 3,5x2,8x1,5 cm
Eurasian Collared Dove
: 3,8x3x1,5 cm
Magpie 2x2x1,2 cm
Winter wren: 3x2,5x1,3 cm
Common blackbird: 3x2,5x1,3 cm
Eurasian Golden Oriole
: 3400 Ft
Rook: 3300 Ft
Pheasant rooster
Pheasant hen:
Pheasant chick:
Hanging birdhouse: 3,5x2x1 cm
Bird tree without foliage, with small base: 26x20x2,5 cm
Bird tree with green foliage and small base: 28x16x2,5 cm